
Script Story: short 1(one)=(Someone in the spaceship is talking alone, he says – it seems everyone is quiet everyone is far away.  But each of us is bound by some boundaries.  Actually it’s a prison laughing.  All of a sudden a call comes from someone else’s spaceship from another site, hello auto parts I’m calling you.  Now we have to go to Mobil Tank Planet.  A few of our players have experienced some travel in their gaming.  Auto Parts responds to that by saying, of course, Honorable Prime.  I am going out now with my disciples.  But great Prime, does that devotee of yours know that we are coming to help him on their planet.  Prime angrily retorts that the bastard is our universe’s job, so that we can serve him.  And once again think auto parts that they are emotional people.  Instead, we give them a surprise and suppress their emotions a little.  And auto parts, your followers have a lot of respect and reputation there, their dolls are produced in many factories.  Is there still a need for entertainment to help emotional little friends?  The auto parts of this spaceship turned out to be Yes Sir You Are Prime.  You always took a good future decision.  i am coming)



short: no 1 (one) A or B THERE HAVE 2 TWO SCRIPTS

1( A) Script:

[The scene opens inside a spaceship. A lone figure sits in the cockpit, surrounded by the quiet hum of machinery.]

Character (to themselves): It seems everyone is quiet, everyone is far away. But each of us is bound by some boundaries. Actually, it’s a prison. [Laughs wryly]

[Suddenly, a communication alert interrupts the solitude. The character answers the call from another spaceship.]

Character: Hello? Auto Parts here. I’m listening.

Voice from Another Ship: Auto Parts, I’m calling you. We have a mission. We need to go to Mobil Tank Planet. Some of our crew members have encountered trouble during their travels.

Character: Of course, Honorable Prime. I’ll mobilize my team right away. But, Prime, do your crew members know we’re coming to their aid?

[Prime’s response is heated, laced with frustration.]

Prime: That’s irrelevant. It’s our duty as beings of this universe to assist one another. As for their emotions, they are inconsequential. We must suppress them, keep them in line. Our priority is service.

Character (Auto Parts): Understood, Prime. I’ll ensure our presence is felt. Our reputation precedes us, after all. Our products are produced in countless factories across their planet. Will entertainment suffice to pacify them?

Prime: Yes, Auto Parts. You always make wise decisions for our future. Proceed as planned. I trust you’ll handle it.

Character (Auto Parts): Yes, Sir. You are Prime. I’m on my way.

[The communication ends, and Auto Parts begins preparations for the mission, his resolve evident in his determined expression.]

End Script 1(A)



                    Script 1(B)

**Title: “Boundaries of the Stars”**
**PROTAGONIST**, a seasoned space traveler, stands alone in the dimly lit command center. The hum of machinery fills the air.
**PROTAGONIST (muttering)**:
It seems everyone is quiet, distant. But each of us is bound by invisible constraints. A cosmic prison, perhaps, laughing at our futile attempts to break free.
*Suddenly, an incoming transmission beeps.*
Hello, Auto Parts. I’m calling you from the neighboring spaceship. We have urgent news. We’re heading to Mobil Tank Planet. Some of our players have experienced strange phenomena during their gaming sessions.
Of course, Honorable Prime. I shall depart immediately with my disciples.
But, Great Prime, does your devotee know we’re coming to assist on their planet?
**PRIME (angrily)**:
That “devotee” is our universe’s responsibility. We serve them. And, Auto Parts, remember they are emotional beings. Let’s surprise them and temper their emotions.
Understood, Prime. Their respect for us is well-known. Their dolls, crafted in countless factories, bear our legacy.
Is entertainment still necessary for these emotional little friends?
Yes, Sir. You’ve always made wise decisions. I am ready.
*The spaceship’s engines roar to life as it hurtles toward Mobil Tank Planet.*
Feel free to adapt and expand upon this script for your video. Safe travels through the cosmos! 
End Script 1(B)

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